Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bag lady...

Sometimes the younger generations may associate old age with crankiness, bitterness and pure anger. We are always the first to say, “I’m not going to be like that when I get old,” however, some of us are closer to that than we think. Everyone gets hurt, played and rejected during a lifetime. There are so many things that we go through in life that its sometimes hard to even remember at what point you begin to get so angry. People fail to realize that the smallest things add up right along with the big stuff. Holding on to a grudge from daycare carries on to a bigger grudge in grade school that heaps up with all the other stuff along the way. Anger is like a parasite, it attaches to you in gets all of it little friends to join the party. The things that are the hardest to let go are the most pertinent to let go. I’ll make it simple, forgive and forget before you become one those old angry people you see in the grocery store. Hate is baggage and life is too short to be pissed off all the time.



Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dare you to Love me...

After watching this French movie centered around a girl and a boy going through life as a game of dare, it got me to thinking: are we all playing our lives out as a game?? There are times in life when it is necessary to gamble, to take a chance at doing something when we’re not quite sure of what the turn out will be. When it comes to any opportunity or even love we roll the dice in hopes that the numbers will be in our favor. However, how do we know when to stop the game? How do we know to leave well enough alone in order to live in the moment of content? Some may argue that any sign of comfort means that there is now more to strive for than ever, I disagree, of course. Being able to sit in a level of contention doesn’t mean that you have become lazy or your stagnation will lead to your demise. It simply means that at this point you have reached where ever you consider to be your happiest place. I argue that content equals happiness which in my opinion should everyone’s ultimate goal. Too often we get caught up in the money, the fast-life and the game that we lose sight of living life for ourselves. Living life to be happy. I hate games, double-meanings, double-standards, silent gestures and code names. When did life turn into chutes and ladders, candy land and monopoly? When did love become strategic moves, logical words and daring actions? It leads me to believe that no one will let good enough be anymore. That no one is themselves because they are too afraid of getting hurt or too afraid of what someone is will think or plainly to afraid of losing. Afraid of losing because we treat life like a game. But I challenge you to see past all the superficial bullshit and live like you want because in the end the only ones that lose are those that have the warped impression that the world is competition when in reality if your ultimate goal is happiness then the only person in this “game” is YOU.

