Friday, May 29, 2009

Unspoken love leads to a heavy heart...

Sometimes we come across that person that just makes our heart flutter at the sight of them, the sound of their voice makes us shiver and even just the thought of them brings a smile to our faces. Often times these feelings are more than just a crush, more than just a phase of likeness that will pass soon enough. Although love cannot be defined, it is more than obvious when it has taken over. When a love engulfs you and takes your heart hostage the worst thing you could do is try to keep it to yourself. What’s the point in loving someone if they don’t know how you feel? Ofcourse the thought of rejection crosses everyone’s mind but sometimes you just have to let that go. Let go of any inhibition that is preventing you from letting that person know because I guarantee you that the “wat if’s” will hurt more than a heartbreak.



Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings...

My mom once told me “You know you’re not superwoman, stop trying to do everything yourself.” This was one of those statements that I ignorantly took as a compliment instead of taking into consideration the connotation in which it was meant. I, along with so many females of this generation, are in the habit of are beginning to take independence to another level. This concept is very understandable to me, however, considering that so many of us are being raised by single mothers. Seeing someone you look up to do everything themselves shapes you into doing the same thing. The independent woman is heavily praised even by musical artists with songs such as “Independent Woman” by Destiny’s Child and most recently “She Got Her Own” by Jamie Foxx. We have come so far from the days of a male-dominated world that we sometimes forget that the other sex exists. Some of us get so wrapped up in obtaining what we need and want ourselves that we regret to acknowledge or accept help from anyone else. Don’t get me wrong because I am definitely the president of the “I can do it myself” club. I would be the one carrying a package all the way to my dorm before asking anyone for help but I am also one to admit when my hard-head is getting is becoming an obstacle for me and other people. It’s important to realize that it is possible to be a strong woman without being a stubborn woman. Never let your pride blind you into thinking that the only person you need in the world is yourself. Realize that being with someone doesn’t mean you have to be submissive but instead consider the possibility of obtaining cooperation. Always be you but don’t confuse stubbornness for strength.



Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I don't want to be the FAT kid...

No one ever wants to be called a marshmallow when it comes to their appearance. Life is about feeling good, feeling the sand run through your hands, and feeling the aftermath of a good joke deep down in your gut till you tip over in laughter. It is not about wondering if you look fat in the dress hanging over the closet door. Let’s cherish our bodies and respect it for housing our souls that breathe out every time we hum a tune. Food is usually an afterthought and the quick fix to a hunger pain. But I want to make it the forefront topic when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. We are what we eat. We are not dead rotting corpses lying out for the wolves to eat. We are electric beings charging from the sun and walking through the Garden of Eden. If you are fat and you don’t like it. Do something about it. No need to reach for the over the counter diet pills. It’s simple. Eat healthy, and you will be healthy. A little exercise won’t hurt too.

Love you like a fat kid loves cake

Mellow Yellow

Flaws and all...

The worst thing you can do when you’re with someone is to put their flaws over their attributes. That is not to say to totally omit their flaws in view them as a perfect individual but acknowledging them and focusing on them are two totally different ideas. Acknowledging flaws allows you to accept someone for who they are and to decide if they are things you can live with. Focusing on flaws blinds you into thinking that the person will never change and they will be the cause of the termination of the relationship. Furthermore, you can’t expect (expectations lead to disappointments coming soon) someone to be perfect when you yourself are far from it. Many people are unable to see the right one for them because they are too busy looking for this nonexistent “type” that will provide every want and need they have ever desired. But this whole rationale is inconsistent in itself simply because if you aren’t willing or able to do what you are expecting then don’t expect it!! If you can’t love someone despite their flaws then don’t expect anyone to love you despite yours. This song is a pretty good explanation of how things should be. Flaws and all performed by Beyonce’



Monday, May 25, 2009


Understanding of the world cannot be achieved before understanding of one’s self is first achieved. Many people fail to understand that bad decisions they make are not because of confusion of the situation but rather the lack of knowledge of themselves. Anyone that is truly comfortable and knowledgeable of themselves can in no way make a decision that they will later regret or view as poor judgement. Fault comes to those who are ignorant to their inner self. Good decisions comes to those who are true to themselves no matter the situation. This is not to say that they are perfect to the outside world but perfect to the only one that really matters, themselves. So even if you are a con or a whore or a felon, as long as you know that you will be true to who you know is the real you then you will be better equipped to achieve happiness through understanding of the world around you.

