Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You're not my Sunshine....

In this day and age it is way too easy to get caught up in thinking about what other people are thinking of us. We sometimes let this interfere with our daily living from what kind of clothes we wear to the way we act. There is nothing wrong with finding your clique, however, when we begin to obsess over obtaining acceptance from our “clique” is when we begin to step into steep waters. The people that think they are being watched wherever they go are severely confused on what’s actually going on. Some people may think that someone who worries about what other people think do so because they have low-self esteem, however, I think the complete opposite. Anyone that genuinely believes they are the center of so many people’s universe has to be some sort of egotistical psycho. If you feel like you need acceptance from other people you’re looking in the wrong direction. Acceptance of one’s self comes from one’s self. I’ll make it simple: you wouldn’t worry as much about what others thought of you if you recognized how seldom they actually do.



Sunday, June 21, 2009

Indebted to No One...

Too easily we all seem to under-appreciate the things and people around us. We tend to love them when they’re benefiting us and forget them when they're not. After a while people look at others and the things they do as expectations and when they're not meeting those expectations we jump at them as if they are in the wrong. Someone who has your best interest at heart deserves for you to have theirs in your heart also. People who only want to see you the happiest do not owe anything to you but instead do it out of the love they have for you. Never think anyone is obligated to do anything for you because in the end the only person they are obliged to is themselves. Not even your mother or your father HAS to provide food, shelter, clothing, money and etc but they do so because they care about you and your needs. Keep in mind that anyone that feels that you are not returning the same love and consideration as they have given to you has every right to leave you with what they met you with. Never let someone give and give without you giving something in return because even if there voice isn’t asking for it be sure that their heart is. Don't risk realizing what you have when it's gone. Love those who love you and never take anything for granted.



Sunday, June 14, 2009


As faulted human beings we all make mistakes. There is no one on this earth that is perfect no matter the hype. Our actions speak volumes for the type of person we are and the decisions that we continually make. People say that you can tell a lot about a person through the friends they keep because it’s always your decision to keep them. If you surround yourself with negative people then you are putting yourself in the position to become just like them. If you continually make the same mistake then after a while it looks as if it is on purpose. Being able to distinguish habitual actions with self-describing actions is the most important thing. For instance, if you leave your socks on the floor everyday that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re the filthiest person ever, it may just be a habit that can be easily broken with implementing a hamper. However, if you find yourself cheating on your spouse continuously whether it is physical or mental then you’re a cheater- no getting around it. You are what you repeatedly do so take caution as to the decisions you make.



Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Well I don't want to preach...

Hey guys!!!

Soo although I love sharing my philosophies with you, I would love it even more if you gave me your input. If there's anything you want me to talk about (or not talk about) I'm more than open to hear what you have to say. Feel free to leave a comment or email me at Thanks!!



Monday, June 8, 2009

a WARNING before everyone goes blind...

In most cases when someone is done wrong the first thing on their mind is revenge. This starts as early as kindergarten when someone steals our favorite crayon we scheme to steal the same from them. These cases, however, become more severe as we get older. In many countries the justice system practices the “eye for an eye” theory. This is the basis of any revengeful action. However, using this practice in day to day situations may not lead to the best results. My theory is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you and let karma handle the rest. Many people now-a-days are so spiteful that they get so overwhelmed with getting someone back and lose themselves in irrational actions and soon forget the original motive. Although forgiveness may be unreachable, consider focusing on all your energy on yourself instead of those who have so negatively affected you.

