Sunday, June 7, 2009

A realistic lover...

When we fall in love we too easily tend to let that person have everything we have. We get too caught up in finding our “other half” that we forget to first ensure that we are whole on our own. We sometimes get too obsessed with being with our soul mate that in the process we lose our soul to another person. While this may be very romantically justified, it just isn’t in anybody’s best interest. Too often people get too caught up with that the whole “I don’t know what I would do without you,” thing that they forgot they existed before they met that person. It seems to me, however, if you can’t be complete while your with someone then how would you be complete on your own? Please, don’t regard this as a pessimistic view because I understand when we’re in love our hopes are to be with that person for the rest of our lives, however, I have never met anyone who said they’re looking for half of a person. As far as I’m concerned we all want someone that is whole before we meet them. In the pursuit of love we are too quick to say “Here, have my heart,” even if that person hasn’t given them there’s. This principle is flawed in of itself simply because there’s no way that you could live without your own heart. Your heart contains everything precious and true to yourself and boggles me that people are so willing to just give this away so fervently. The heart is something we have to be selfish with, I’ll share my heart with you and you can do the same but my heart is what’s provided life to me and there’s no way I can just give that up. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying keep your guard up because everyone is out to get you or keep the person that you love at a distance. I am simply saying that most of you have it wrong when it comes to love. It is not 50/50, it is not half a person and the other half of another person, it‘s 100/100. Consider being true to yourself as much as you were when you were by yourself while being with someone else. Loving someone doesn’t mean you have to lose yourself in that one person. Although it is plausible to give them your all- you don’t have to give them “you.” (I hope that isn’t too confusing.)In a nutshell: never give someone your everything because without them you’ll have nothing.



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