Monday, June 8, 2009

a WARNING before everyone goes blind...

In most cases when someone is done wrong the first thing on their mind is revenge. This starts as early as kindergarten when someone steals our favorite crayon we scheme to steal the same from them. These cases, however, become more severe as we get older. In many countries the justice system practices the “eye for an eye” theory. This is the basis of any revengeful action. However, using this practice in day to day situations may not lead to the best results. My theory is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you and let karma handle the rest. Many people now-a-days are so spiteful that they get so overwhelmed with getting someone back and lose themselves in irrational actions and soon forget the original motive. Although forgiveness may be unreachable, consider focusing on all your energy on yourself instead of those who have so negatively affected you.



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