The contradiction of flawless chaos describes me and so many people I’m surrounded with. People are like collages simply because everyone is so complex and made up of so many factors that inevitably lead to numerous contradictions. Everyone wants to appear flawless and perfect on the outside but I guarantee that internally their mind is chaotic and confused. My only objective is to open your eyes to rationalities that your subconscious realizes but your conscious refuses to recognize. This blog is your aid in making decisions that will lead to a more fulfilling life. I am in no way suggesting that I have all the answers and hold the key to wisdom but I have gone through enough to have learned what many are still ignorant to. I have no medical degree, I haven’t conducted any studies, I haven’t even graduated college yet but I promise you will see the truth in all my reasoning. My vita possiums or life philosophies are simply opinions- opinions that have only been proven to work by the way I live. I love giving advice and helping people through situations that may be better understood from an outside perspective. As this blog continues I hope to eventually have people write in about things they’re going through and offer help. I won’t give you a biography because that is rather irrelevant to what I want to achieve. I go by Breeze Chenelle and that is all that anyone must know. I love you all and hope you will enjoy and learn through what I post.
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